Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The Three Categories of Water Damage

Many people cannot tell the difference between the three categories of water damage; black water, grey water and clean water. There is a huge difference when it comes to the damage caused by the different kinds of water. It pays to have knowledge about water damage.

The Categories of Water Damage

  • Category 1. The first category is clean water damage. This type of water damage is from a clean and sanitary source. After 48 hours, Category 1 can become a Category 2.

Clean water damage sources:
  1. Faucets
  2. Toilet tanks
  3. Leaky clean water supply line to dishwasher 

  • Category 2. The second is grey water. This type of water damage is hazardous due to significant levels of contamination of bacteria, mold, and/or chemicals, all which could easily damage your property and pose risks to your health. Category 2 becomes a Category 3 if left untreated for 2 days or more. 
Grey water damage sources:
  1. Dirty water from washing machine
  2. Broken aquarium
  3. Toilet overflow containing urine (no solids)

  • Category 3. This third is the worst classification and is unsanitary. Black water is very dangerous and you should always use caution when coming in contact with this type of water damage. This type of water is not only unsanitary, but corrosive as well. Black water hosts very destructive bacteria, fungi, and blood borne pathogens that could cause serious illnesses. 
Black water damage sources:
  1. Broken sewage pipe
  2. Flood water
  3. Toilet overflow with feces

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