Monday, May 19, 2014

Do You Have Bed Bugs?

Did you know the bed bug can produce up to three generations within it's one year life span? Bed bugs feed by sucking blood from animals and humans. They are most active at night, biting exposed skin such as your shoulders, hands, arms, legs and back. They leave flat, red, itchy marks usually in a row on the skin. They are a flat insect about the size of an apple seed, which is about 5mm-7mm long. The adults are a dark tan or brown/red colors (after feeding) and the nymphs, which are the immature bedbugs, are a pale color or bright red, (after feeding). They are often mistaken for other types of non flying insects like ticks or small cockroaches. Their size makes it extremely difficult to get rid of them. They are able to hide in the cracks of wicker furniture and walls, on textiles including upholstered furniture, and edges of carpet, but are most commonly found on mattresses, box springs and bed frames. Other places bed bugs can be found is in the corners or bureau drawers, on curtains, and in cracks in wall paper. Surprisingly bed bugs can also be found in vacant homes because they can go for months without feeding.

Bed bugs have been found all over the world. In the 1940's the use of the pesticide DDT in the United States greatly reduced the outbreak, though they were and still are found in areas where there is poor sanitation. Lately there has been an increase in the spread of bed bugs due to immigration, travelers going abroad, and where there are crowded living conditions. Because they can hide in clothing and get into suitcases there has been an outbreak over the years and most recently noticed in hotels, movie theatres, public transportation, shelters and other places where people congregate.

Did you know that because they are a living organism they can adapt and become immune to pesticides? But they cannot become immune to extreme heat. They prefer temperatures between 70 degrees - 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Temperatures that reach 120 degrees Fahrenheit and above will kill adults, nymphs, and bed bug eggs. Most of the conventional steam cleaners that say they can get rid of bed bugs reach temperatures up to 240 degrees Fahrenheit. When trying to get rid of bed bugs you need to make sure you get all of the areas where they can hide. Seal cracks around outlets and in wall, check behind pictures and do not forget to treat the curtains.

You should always consult a professional before you try to handle the situation alone!

Give Professional Restoration Services of Tampa Bay, Inc. a call if you have bed bugs. PRS of Tampa Bay uses a commercial steamer on carpets and walls to kill bed bugs. PRS of Tampa Bay, Inc. teams up with Natural Born Killers, LLC to get the job done right. Natural Born Killers, LLC uses a process called fumigation to properly get rid of bed bugs from infested contents. Fumigation is a method of pest control that completely fills an area with gaseous pesticides or fumigants to suffocate or poison the pests within. You will see this method being used when a home is tented for termites. Contents like mattresses and couches will be put into a sealed container where toxic fumes will be released and the bed bugs will be terminated.

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